Review Bonus

We want to see pictures of your car and install!

  • Send us a few pictures of the exterior of your sweet ride and then a few interior pictures of our product installed. We may use these in our social media posts with or without your first name and location. We will send you $10!*
  • Send your pictures to bonus (at)

If you are an active member of a vehicle forum (example:, Facebook group), we want to see your posts!

  • Post a new thread with pictures showing our product installed, reviewed, and with a link to our website and we will send you up to $50!*
  • Post a YouTube video showing our product installed and with a link to our website and we will send you up to $50!*
  • Don’t forget to leave a review on your product’s specific page!
  • Send a link to your post to bonus (at)

*Restrictions apply: Only one bonus per customer. Bonus up to purchase price paid by customer. Quality pictures and a clean interior work best! Forum members must have more than 5 posts. Must be quality posts and AccentGlowLED, LLC reserves the right to deny or modify any bonus on terms on low quality or an over saturated forum. If you have any questions beforehand please email us to check. Please use “AccentGlowLED” as company name. We want to send you money and see your posts! This restriction is just so we don’t receive poor quality posts or more importantly pictures that look like they were taken with a flip phone from 2003 🙂